3 Tips to Sell Your Beer in Bars and Restaurants

One of the biggest steps that a brewery can take is to sell your brews at restaurants and bars. It isn’t easy to get to that point, but there are a few tips that can get you closer to that goal. Around Minneapolis, this is a very difficult scene to get into. There are many breweries, bars, and restaurants that clog up the market, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stand out.

Make an email list

Sending out emails with updates on your new brews or deals for both your visitors and possible bar or restaurant connections. One recommended idea is to separate these audiences to communicate with them in different ways. The ones you send to potential partners should include your personality, updates to your brewery, knowledge about the industry, promotions, and offers. It’s best to send these only once a month to stay ahead of the news without spamming them too much.


Co-sponsor events with bars

The most difficult part of co-sponsoring is finding an event to sponsor. In your email list, you can send the bars or restaurants an invitation to chat or co-sponsor, which can get you ahead of the game. Every event where you show up is another event to talk to bar owners and show that you care about the community. Being involved with your industry and community is an important way to be seen by potential customers and partners.

Know your audience’s style

Style is what makes a great first impression of your brews. You have your own style, but so do the bars and restaurants. Visiting the bars and restaurants can help give you an idea of the atmosphere and how you can cater to their flavors and style when you talk to them. Getting to know the people you cater to can help you find the style of your customers, bar owners, and the restaurants you want to sell to.

It all starts with getting your brand out there. Check out our promotional products to get started, or contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help make your brewery stand out.